What is green? What is sustainability?
While looking for articles today I thought "does everyone out there understand what being green and sustainable mean?" So I figured I'd post an article explaining the explainging the two.The article explains green as making smart use of the resources you have at hand. Two examples givien are using less electricity and cutting down on products used in your establishment. There are many other things you could do but starting here is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money.
Thoguh this article is from one persons viewpoint and opinion, I think he did a good job giving a brief view of the terms.
I like the idea of breaking down the topics of what is green what is stability because for our presentation we need to adress the class as if they've never heard of this idea before. I also think it's important to go indepth explaining because every time I read something new I'm learning things that werent apparent to me before, so unless others research going green and sustainability as a usual routine all these ideas might be new and intriguing to them as well. I'm not sure how I feel about a consultent on the subject, I think that could be a fad wont be present for long. I think unless a restaurant owner is clueless, why would they need someone to tell them how to go green? But I dont know it could be really helpful for people and might do really well if restaurant owners dont have the time or want to waste the effort thinking of ways they could make their establishment more sustainable. Overall I found the article helpful but I dont think the idea is that strong.