Thursday, January 21, 2010

Chefs rate top trends for 2010
well i found this article which pretty much confirms and puts us up as the number one trend for 2010 in the food industry. which just cracks me up because for the past few year I've been watching the whole idea of going green and watched as people just laughed at it. They made fun of it because it was costly and all people care about any way is how much money they make i.e have. meanwhile I've been having crappier and crappier ski seasons every year due to the weather patterns being destroyed by the past one hundred years of man tyring to maximize profit. not to mention all the test they've been running on us unknowingly... I've been drinking milk my entire life and so far here's the list of what calcium hasn't apparently worked on for me... ribs(2), back(luckily titanium screws are stronger),right arm, both collar bones, and split my heel bone in 2. woot woot! lets not get into the two knee surgeries either totally beat. now your probably wondering wtf is he talking about but what I'm getting at is the fact that at age 21 eating a very healthy diet my entire life my bones and ligaments seem to just be falling apart.

now here we are all these years later feeling like I'm falling apart and worlds going to crap. Now were starting to realize that we are the cause off all this. just trying to make an extra buck we've modified everything we eat. and so now in 2010 we have decided that the new trend is sustainability in the restaurants from every possible aspect. hey at least we figured it out eventually and are starting to act on it now. maybe in the future people will eat healthy organic food in Eco friendly restaurants and grow up to be strong and healthy like their uh...grandparents.


  1. I like how the top 3 trends all have to do with green sustainability.I also like that 7 of the top 20 trends are green(if i counted right) ideas as well. Looking at old trend lists you see some of these low at the bottom and now have moved up. Hopefully this shows that more people are going to try these trends. But I am a little shocked that starting that roof top/restaurant gardens aren’t on this list, ive been seeing it a lot online recently.

  2. Dave - are you sure you can blame the food you're eating for all of your injuries? Or is it your adventurous skiing? Either way, I see your point.

    I think, even though the main point in sustainability and going local, that all of the trends just simply have to do with THINKING about what you're eating instead of just picking up the first thing in reach. THINK that maybe eating fish that was caught in state would be better than fish caught across the globe and shipped, THINK that what you're eating might not be nutritious, THINK that by buying local you're helping the local economy.

    I think this also brings up a good point of educating people so the ways to go green, local, or sustainable come right to mind in situations.

  3. I like how this article just proves that sustainability is the top trend of 2010, Obviously this is not a fad, and has been changing the restaurant industry for years now. I think the information about how half of the biggest trends for this year all have to to do with sustainability, eco friendly, or organic. I also really liked the forecast for next years biggest kitchen trend to be enviromentally friendly equipment. I think all of this information could really help our project and just inforces the idea that sustainability is here to stay and is impacting food industry everyday.
