Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Going green to save money and resources

I found this article really interesting, originally I was looking for information about the economical side of going green and sustainability in the industry but I came across this and thought it might be worthwhile to share. I liked the ideas the piece mentions from the holistic vision that the featured pizza restaurant is aiming for to the 60- day decomping goal of the restaurant. I think we all agree that the topic of going green and sustainability in the food service is definitly a trend that will continue to make a large impact currently and in the years to come, not just a fad that will die out shortly. This article mentiones the local community is reaching out to the pizza restaurant, some people even driving up to 100 miles to get some of this organic, natural pizza, One of the main benefits mentioned is how restaurants going green can help support the local economy and increases the support for other local restaurants.
Restaurants practicing sustainablity are not only helping to save resources but are also saving money for their instuition. Decomposable containers and utensils are more expensive then cheap styrofoam and plastic, but where the restaurant may being losing money in buying nicer containers they are gaining money in the efficient appliances they are using. Low flow faucets and toilets and compact light bulbs that use less energy are helping to pay themselves off and provide more profit for the restaurant in the long run.


  1. Kelsey - I couldn't access the article, but by what you're saying it sounds awesome. I don't think I've ever thought of pizza places as going organic or green. An just the fact that people are driving up to 100 miles to try this kind of pizza says alot! Organic and green is becoming popular, but like you said, popular as a concern not a fad.

    Another interesting point is how money fits into it. Most recycled or decomposable items are more expensive that plastic or styrofoam, but companies won't be losing money if they are saving in energy. Awesome to think about and a good incentive.

  2. Even thought i couldn't access your article it sounds really interesting. I like how title sounds like the overview of my article and I'm thinking it could relate to mine. My favorite part about this article is where it talks about how "restaurants going green can help support the local economy and increases the support for other local restaurants." If more restaurants know this and tried I think we' have a lot more greener establishments that wouldn't be that hard to start up.
