Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Delicious Revolution

Last time I'm not sure what I did wrong when posting my link to my site so this time I just figured I put the entire address on here so I don't mess it up again.

I found this piece on the sustainable food movement, and I really liked what it had to offer and informed me of more details about sustainability in the food service. This article features different opportunities that involve sustainability such as farming, replacing processed foods in cafeterias, and advocation of local produce. The article goes in depth about the benefits that growing organic produce and raising livestock have. I really hadn't ever thought about the benefits on the land, but in the article it talks about a family that moved to Iowa to start a livestock farm and how well received the idea was in the area. The economical sense was also mentioned, noting that the net return per acre on an organic farm is incredibly higher and more profitable than that of a conventional crop farm.
This article made the idea of sustainability all very relative and showed the power of the cause and how the public is reacting and receiving. I also really like how they wrote about Dan Barber and how he is advocating for the freshness of food. Proving that gourmet can mean, fresh produce, simply prepared, so customers can enjoy the taste of local produce.
All of the ideas mentioned in this piece seem like strong trends that will help to support the idea of going green and sustainability and will help better explain it to the class. All them are simple concepts that will help support our topic.


  1. This article is informative and long which could help with our project. I found it very interesting that people where leaving their lives in finance or studying to be lawyer to open up and work on farms. And then on top of that being very successful to a point where people want to come volunteer and learn from them. I also liked that someone was working with produce farms to get fruits and vegetables in parts of New York City that would have access to them. I found other things in the article that I’ve read about before like, eating organic is good for the body or the whole roof top garden trend, but its good that people are pushing this information out in to the masses and hopefully more people will catch on to it.

  2. Freddy's right! This article will be a great help to our presentation. Not only does it talk alot about facts, but it brings great ideas to the table. It made me think about what it really means to have an organic, local, or "green" restaurant. It isn't just helping the environment, but it's providing a place and services for those who have a passion for the same thing. It is helping those with a passion "silently protest," as the article says, and stand up for what they believe in, even when dining out.
