Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Contactless Payment at restaurants


This article talks about the future for credit cards in restaurants. It's called contactless payment and it seems like it comes in the form of a key fob, which is kind of like our JWU scan cards but without the ID, more like a keychain. Alot of fast food chains have started having these contactless payment methods, including McDonald's, Dairy Queen, and gas station chains like Sheetz (love them!!).

I think it's something that definitely could work for the fast food industry. If you think about the fob (i've seen them at other colleges as building accessers) it holds all of the student's information to let them into some dorms and not others on campus. Also, this concept has already hit the travel world with EZPass, very contactless payment for toll highway travelers. I think it would be a great thing for fast food or gas stations and if they can already hold student information and travel fees, why couldn't a fob hold credit card info? Another thing that may be a benefit would be that there wouldn't be numbers or anything on it, it would all be magnetized so stealing identiy or numbers wouldn't be an issue.

So far, the only challenges that have arrisen have been from unfamiliarity. Emlpoyees need to be trained and customers need to get accustomed to the new payment methods. There are some other challenges that i could see potentially happening, but overall I think it's a good idea and would make quick service even quicker and easier!

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