Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Environmental Issues in Restaurants


Hey guys, I thought this article was really interesting, it has a lot of the same elements we emphasized on in our project but it focuses on an English restaurant Acorn House. The provided statistics at the beginning of the article are all really influential to people in the restaurant industry that are conscience of going green. They said that 18,000 tons of carbon mission come from the food industry every year as well as 450,000 tons of glass bottles and at least 1/3 of all ordered food is thrown into the trash, I think these statistics are really disappointing to restaurants that are conscience of going green. There are restaurants and associations that are trying to implement easy procedures like recycling and composting. That's exactly what Acorn House is doing; they are an eco friendly restaurant on a 5 acre biodynamically farmed piece of land including an herb garden and roof top vegetable garden. Acorn House is recycling, composting, using hybrid delivery methods, and has an in house purified water system. They're setting an example of a good sustainable and green restaurant that didn’t say they had to pour tons of money into they're procedures. People are noticing this effort too, a Times critic called it ‘the most important restaurant to open in London in the past 200 years’. The effort isn’t going unnoticed and the 10 students that they are training there I think are really lucky to get an opportunity to work at a really diverse modern restaurant such as Acorn House. The article goes on to different sections explain other procedures and restaurants going green in London, but overall I thought the information was really helpful and inspiring for green restaurants.


  1. sorry the link doesnt light up but it works if you just copy and paste it

  2. i agree that these are dissapointing numbers but it doesn't supprise me anout a third of the food getting thrown out i used to work at a high end french restaurant out west in sun valley and long story short we had a high power lady in the company come by once a week and order a sixteen ounce filet and a lamb shank to go....for her dog! people are out of their mind. the only sustainable efforts they put in were recycling cardboard boxes its pretty dissapointing

  3. The Acorn House sounds so neat! It's great to have really successfully green restaurants as examples for other eager businesses. Inspiring, Kelsey, just inspiring! haha
