Monday, February 22, 2010
From blogging I learned how connected it allowed me to be with online resources and group members. I learned that it’s a very simple concept and well received by most. I’ve found that I haven’t officially been “following” any blogs in the past but I have referred to them before and they have been very helpful to me. I think getting experience blogging and seeing how it can help me, has influenced how I will utilize it in the future.
I liked the blog for many reasons. It was expressive and versatile. I was put in a group where I didn’t know half of my group mates and barely knew anything about our topic. This blog intrigued me to learn more, to keep reading articles until I found the one I liked the most to post. It was also so easy; I could look up articles pretty much anywhere and what whatever I felt about them and post it for my group. It was an easy concept, even for a first time blogger and easily updateable. I liked the feedback we could give and receive and throw around ideas to each other.
Overall I liked the blog but it did have some qualities I didn’t like. My biggest problem was remembering to do the blog weekly, since I had to create another email account that wasn’t my primary account, so I didn’t get emails notifying me if other group mates put up new posts. It would often slip my mind or I wouldn’t remember to do it until the last minute. I also found many of my groups post topics were similar and repetitive. It didn’t seem to cause any problems for our project, I personally just got tired of reading the same things, and I ran out of feedback for the same issues. I also didn’t like the informality of the whole thing. I felt like I should have been more grammatically correct and concerned about format but my responses looked the same as everyone else’s. If I could have improved anything I would have preferred more structure with the blog.
I think blogging will be apart my future, I think that blogs will help me stay informed with current issues. I think blogs are also a very good way to network, I learned more names and concepts through reading other peoples blogs. I only really explored food industry blogs but I know there are blogs for all topics and I know that they will benefit my future in many ways.
The blog I found that I might want to follow is called Going Green DC. It is a blog that highlights some different ways Washington DC is going green. I found this really interesting because I’m from an area of Maryland that is only about 30 minutes outside of DC and I think this could help keep me aware of what’s going on around me, especially in a more advanced city such as DC. The blog covers issues from farmers markets, organic beer and cocktails, to local restaurants, and green weddings.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Closing Blog
The Green Collaborative
This is the message I received from the Green Collaborative:
"Our last meeting for this trimester will be on Monday Feb. 22, HAC 14 @ 7:45. We will talk about the upcoming Relay for Life event and Earth Week. Good luck on finals & practicals, Everyone! "
You can join the facebook group and receive the messages then too.
Alon's Conclusion
The thing that I liked about blogging was how easy it was! As a group, we only needed to meet up once or twice to exchange facts and information because most of our info was on the blog. We were able to share ideas and bounce off sources to one another. It made it alot easier than having to meet up four or five times. I also liked that we could give feedback on each other's posts and how immediate it was. I think I liked it and it was easy for me because social media and technology are such stables in our daily lives that it made homework and assignments convenient and easy.
One thing I didn't like about blogging was how informal it felt. When I do school work I try and make it very professional and formal. When I was blogging, I just felt like I was sending an email to my friend, or commenting on facebook. For school assignments I feel like I need a word document in front of me to have the professionalism and formality of a paper.
I definitely learned how to use blogging in a future career. Even during my research I found that The New York Times has blogs for businesses. It was just different followers giving or asking for advice on their business. I found it really interesting because different business owners and managers were just bouncing off ideas to each other about how to better conduct their business. I feel like that's something that business people wouldn't naturally do face to face, so blogging is a great way to approach that. I think blogging is something I could get into to see what kind of trends are out there in the baking field, see what others are doing, and learn from different sources!
A blog that I want to start following is by a cake bakery call the Pink Cake Box. I think it would really be inspiring for what I want to do, give me great ideas, and spread my horizons.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Starting As A Fad
This is an article from about 2 years ago that talks about going green as a fad. I think that we pretty much covered in our project that going green is NOT a fad...even if it might have started out as one. It basically talks about what actions people were taking for Earth Day in 2008. A phrase used was "Get Hip, Get Green". The article talked about technology a little bit, but more social media and how myspace was making efforts towards Earth Day. The article was just okay.
On a side note, I dont know if any of you actually are into the "green" movement but there's a green collaborative on campus, its a club on campus. They make efforts towards, well obviously, going green at school and in the community. There is a meeting this coming Monday if anyone's interested i could get more info. I know they're begining to make plans for "earth week" on campus.
local indgreedients
OK i know its not an article but it takes a look into a very nice restaurant and shows us that you can do a lot while still supporting your local farmers, fishermen, etc. he says its a casual elegant restaurant where he serves upscale local foods and looks to be very good. it goes to show that with a passionate chef you do not need the mass producers for consistency but can localize your product. this effort to be more sustainable and enrich your environment whether or not its going all out and using paper straws or just supporting your local farms and fishermen to put back into your surrounding environment helps. it also shows the limitless possibilities and challenges for the chef to play with and make unique and their own. which in turn will create great food from local areas and a more sustainable food supply.
Environmental Issues in Restaurants
Hey guys, I thought this article was really interesting, it has a lot of the same elements we emphasized on in our project but it focuses on an English restaurant Acorn House. The provided statistics at the beginning of the article are all really influential to people in the restaurant industry that are conscience of going green. They said that 18,000 tons of carbon mission come from the food industry every year as well as 450,000 tons of glass bottles and at least 1/3 of all ordered food is thrown into the trash, I think these statistics are really disappointing to restaurants that are conscience of going green. There are restaurants and associations that are trying to implement easy procedures like recycling and composting. That's exactly what Acorn House is doing; they are an eco friendly restaurant on a 5 acre biodynamically farmed piece of land including an herb garden and roof top vegetable garden. Acorn House is recycling, composting, using hybrid delivery methods, and has an in house purified water system. They're setting an example of a good sustainable and green restaurant that didn’t say they had to pour tons of money into they're procedures. People are noticing this effort too, a Times critic called it ‘the most important restaurant to open in London in the past 200 years’. The effort isn’t going unnoticed and the 10 students that they are training there I think are really lucky to get an opportunity to work at a really diverse modern restaurant such as Acorn House. The article goes on to different sections explain other procedures and restaurants going green in London, but overall I thought the information was really helpful and inspiring for green restaurants.
Restaurants Going Green
So I know I used this article as examples for our project, but I really think they are great ones and should be posted on our blog. This article showcases three establishments and what they are doing to go green.
In Nappa Valley, California a business called Ubuntu Restaurant and Yoga Studio uses recycled furniture from salvaged woods and harvests food from a local bio-dynamic garden. They also serve wine from a sustainable vineyard.
Next is Chez Panisse, Alice Waters business. Chez Panisse is located in Berkley, California and aims to serve the best organically grown food. they have started a foundation to educate a new generation of students to learn to be sustainable.
Last is Acorn House in London, England. They claim to be the first truly Eco-friendly training restaurant in London. They commit themselves to monitor water usage, utilize green energy and use bio diesel transport.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Contactless Payment at restaurants
This article talks about the future for credit cards in restaurants. It's called contactless payment and it seems like it comes in the form of a key fob, which is kind of like our JWU scan cards but without the ID, more like a keychain. Alot of fast food chains have started having these contactless payment methods, including McDonald's, Dairy Queen, and gas station chains like Sheetz (love them!!).
I think it's something that definitely could work for the fast food industry. If you think about the fob (i've seen them at other colleges as building accessers) it holds all of the student's information to let them into some dorms and not others on campus. Also, this concept has already hit the travel world with EZPass, very contactless payment for toll highway travelers. I think it would be a great thing for fast food or gas stations and if they can already hold student information and travel fees, why couldn't a fob hold credit card info? Another thing that may be a benefit would be that there wouldn't be numbers or anything on it, it would all be magnetized so stealing identiy or numbers wouldn't be an issue.
So far, the only challenges that have arrisen have been from unfamiliarity. Emlpoyees need to be trained and customers need to get accustomed to the new payment methods. There are some other challenges that i could see potentially happening, but overall I think it's a good idea and would make quick service even quicker and easier!
Monday, January 25, 2010
What's Green Anyway?
This article is about a company who makes "green" products for all parts of life, including the restaurant industry. Their product list for restaurants ranges from cups to bags to to-go containers. They also product furniture and other household items that could be used in a restaurant.
I think this company is a great example of how restaurants can be going green. Green Home says that they want to add "environment friendliness" to things that customers consider when buying a product. I think that's a great goal for a company and it should really get customers thinking about what they're buying and why.
I found this article and website to be very positive and encouraging because there is an entire company dedicated to bettering the products put in people's homes and in the restaurant industry. After looking around the website and at all the products, I was so impressed with how many different ways this company offers customers to help them go green in their homes and in their businesses.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Chefs rate top trends for 2010
well i found this article which pretty much confirms and puts us up as the number one trend for 2010 in the food industry. which just cracks me up because for the past few year I've been watching the whole idea of going green and watched as people just laughed at it. They made fun of it because it was costly and all people care about any way is how much money they make i.e have. meanwhile I've been having crappier and crappier ski seasons every year due to the weather patterns being destroyed by the past one hundred years of man tyring to maximize profit. not to mention all the test they've been running on us unknowingly... I've been drinking milk my entire life and so far here's the list of what calcium hasn't apparently worked on for me... ribs(2), back(luckily titanium screws are stronger),right arm, both collar bones, and split my heel bone in 2. woot woot! lets not get into the two knee surgeries either totally beat. now your probably wondering wtf is he talking about but what I'm getting at is the fact that at age 21 eating a very healthy diet my entire life my bones and ligaments seem to just be falling apart.
now here we are all these years later feeling like I'm falling apart and worlds going to crap. Now were starting to realize that we are the cause off all this. just trying to make an extra buck we've modified everything we eat. and so now in 2010 we have decided that the new trend is sustainability in the restaurants from every possible aspect. hey at least we figured it out eventually and are starting to act on it now. maybe in the future people will eat healthy organic food in Eco friendly restaurants and grow up to be strong and healthy like their uh...grandparents.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
A Delicious Revolution
Last time I'm not sure what I did wrong when posting my link to my site so this time I just figured I put the entire address on here so I don't mess it up again.
I found this piece on the sustainable food movement, and I really liked what it had to offer and informed me of more details about sustainability in the food service. This article features different opportunities that involve sustainability such as farming, replacing processed foods in cafeterias, and advocation of local produce. The article goes in depth about the benefits that growing organic produce and raising livestock have. I really hadn't ever thought about the benefits on the land, but in the article it talks about a family that moved to Iowa to start a livestock farm and how well received the idea was in the area. The economical sense was also mentioned, noting that the net return per acre on an organic farm is incredibly higher and more profitable than that of a conventional crop farm.
This article made the idea of sustainability all very relative and showed the power of the cause and how the public is reacting and receiving. I also really like how they wrote about Dan Barber and how he is advocating for the freshness of food. Proving that gourmet can mean, fresh produce, simply prepared, so customers can enjoy the taste of local produce.
All of the ideas mentioned in this piece seem like strong trends that will help to support the idea of going green and sustainability and will help better explain it to the class. All them are simple concepts that will help support our topic.
Sustainable Restaurants Serve Green-Minded Diners
My second blog posting is an article pointing out all the flaws in non-green restaurants. I found this information very interesting and some of it shocking.
The first fact I found shocking was that the average food service establishment uses 300,000 gallons of water a year. The article says the Environmental Protection Agency states that this is double the amount a family of four uses in one year. Another shocking fact was that a fast food restaurant generates 200 pounds of waste for every 1,000 of sales. About 95 percent of that waste could be composted or recycled. According to the EPA this trash piling up in our dumps releases methane a green house gas that is 21 percent stronger than carbon dioxide. One last fact I found interesting was that many refrigerators can contain chlorofluorocarbons, a substance that depletes the ozone layer. And of course food service industries are the largest commercial user of refrigerators.
The article wraps up by pointing out what vendors in the area are doing to go/stay green. A place called Sprouts Green Café found in Emory Village, uses paper products that are 100 percent recycled. Plus their ingredients are all organic or from locally produce or free-range meats. A coffee shop a few shops down features fair trade coffees that improve the relationship between the coffee farmer and roaster.
Even thought this article doesn’t focus on green sustainability in fine dining, I feel it’s a good article for all the facts it covers.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
What is green? What is sustainability?
While looking for articles today I thought "does everyone out there understand what being green and sustainable mean?" So I figured I'd post an article explaining the explainging the two.The article explains green as making smart use of the resources you have at hand. Two examples givien are using less electricity and cutting down on products used in your establishment. There are many other things you could do but starting here is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money.
Thoguh this article is from one persons viewpoint and opinion, I think he did a good job giving a brief view of the terms.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Going green to save money and resources
I found this article really interesting, originally I was looking for information about the economical side of going green and sustainability in the industry but I came across this and thought it might be worthwhile to share. I liked the ideas the piece mentions from the holistic vision that the featured pizza restaurant is aiming for to the 60- day decomping goal of the restaurant. I think we all agree that the topic of going green and sustainability in the food service is definitly a trend that will continue to make a large impact currently and in the years to come, not just a fad that will die out shortly. This article mentiones the local community is reaching out to the pizza restaurant, some people even driving up to 100 miles to get some of this organic, natural pizza, One of the main benefits mentioned is how restaurants going green can help support the local economy and increases the support for other local restaurants.
Restaurants practicing sustainablity are not only helping to save resources but are also saving money for their instuition. Decomposable containers and utensils are more expensive then cheap styrofoam and plastic, but where the restaurant may being losing money in buying nicer containers they are gaining money in the efficient appliances they are using. Low flow faucets and toilets and compact light bulbs that use less energy are helping to pay themselves off and provide more profit for the restaurant in the long run.
a good starting point
although i realize that this article is a little outdated being that it is from 2003 i find that it is a good starting point when looking into sustainability in the food industry. it is good to see that a problem had been realized, in that the food industry consumes and waste many many products. it is also good to see that people have started making changes in their restaurants. Though few at first, i feel that the restaurant industry has started to come about and start taking action to reduce their Eco footprint. A long with this also comes the urge to serve more organic and locally grown foods rather than the mas produced, manipulated products out there.
i was quite surprised when reading about sparks and how just about everything is recycled or came from recycled products. the idea of reusing all your fryer oil and using biodegradable/ recyclable products for take out containers to reduce their Eco footprint out the door. I never thought about sustainability in a restaurant from this perspectives before. Both front and back of house can be sustainable in many ways to help reduce Eco footprint, cost and improve quality.
i was kind of shocked when i read that Roxanne's had been talked down against due to the fact that i love the sounds of what they did. The idea of using hemp as a medium for everything from napkins to seat covers and curtains is great. as well as the recycled wood and solar set up on the roof. although it is typical to find that they were talked down about due to the fact that it was funded from previous success. Which let them do things most restaurateurs could not do.
I think that this article lies down a good foundation and also lets us look back and think have we started to change since this came out? maybe it did have an effect on how we are thinking about sustainability today in the restaurant industry...
The Simplicity of Sustainability
In the article "The Simplicity of Sustainability: Green Restaurant Design Made Easy," author Katherine Martinelli talks about the ways that some restaurants have been making efforts towards the Green Movement. Not only does Martinelli address some ways restaurants can change their old habbits, but she also mentions the difficulties, hurdles, and challenges that come along with the efforts towards sustainability.
One of the first remarks that Martinelli makes is that restaurants and chefs are realizing that going green and sustainable isn't as hard as some may think (Martinelli 2009). It doesn't require having a farm behind your restaurant, building a new establishment, or even require an entire transformation. There are several things restaurants and chefs can do to minimize their carbon footprint on any scale.
For restaurants who are just starting out, efforts can take place during the construction process. Non-toxic paint, salvaged building materials, and green toilets all can be included in the floor plan to minimize environmental impact (Martinelli 2009). On the other hand, restaurants who are already in existence have many options, as well. One option is to simply recycle. This may be one of the easiest ways to help the environment without any trouble at all. Another small change restaurants can make is reconsidering their to-go containers. As opposed to styrofoam or plastic, 100% compostable containers are now available - even utensils (Martinelli 2009).
If restaurants want to take a bigger leap towards sustainability, they can look into composting their food waste (Martinelli 2009). Not only is this a good thing on its own, but it could also be a head start to creating an on site garden, as well! These gardens, made with the compost, could range from a little herb garden to a full service garden that provides for the entire restaurant!
"While there's ample enthusiasm over going green, the process is not without hurdles," (Martinelli 2009). A chef who switch over to green methods after already being open said that the hardest part was breaking old habits. Employees were so used to simply throwing all waste in the same bin and using paper products carefully that it can be hard to stop right on the stop. Although it would take some time and initiative, the sacrifices are definitely worth the sustainable efforts. Another argument is that the volume of local product isn't enough for all restaurants (Martinelli 2009). This might restrict menu items or the local food they order.
Overall, I think this article had some great information about restaurants and going green. Although it can be dificult, there are many restaurants in the industry who are taking on the challenge, and with great rewards! This article shows that it doesn't require reconstructing or redesigning an entire restaurant to take a step towards sustainability. The action could be as small as begining to recycle, planting an herb garden, or changing food purveyors. It is also good to have restaurant names and cities who are currently taking steps towards sustainability, it gives hope and inspiration to those restaurants looking to take the leap.